BCA Third Semester syllabus BAMU.

BCA is one trending 3 years degree course in this 2024 - 25, the fullform of BCA is Batchlor of Computer Application, There is variety of BCA Syllabus depend on university to university and their structure of syllabus. But here is official syllabus of BAMU (Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University), as per previous years perceptions their not expected job in market after BCA but still it is choice to enter in IT sector for Commerce and Arts Students and Science as well, But in the next years their is bright future for BCA Holders in Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity.

There are variety and large amount of study source and BCA programming notes are available on internet but for sure it takes time to find out exact and correct, thats why we bring accurate notes for you.

BCA Course Details

BCA is three years degree course under UGC  ( University Grant Commission)  Central government of  India.

According to new educational policy CET ( Common Entrance Test ) is compulsory to get admission in BCA degree programme.

MCA ( Masters in Computer Application ) is the best option  after BCA to fullfill  IT Companies requirement.

Its not compulsory to persue MCA, If you did BCA with full of dedication and hardwork and with excellent skills. 


Principles of Management

Unit 1: Introduction to Management

- Introduction, Meaning, and Concept of Management

- Nature, Scope, Characteristics, and Importance of Management

- Role and Functions of Management

- Levels of Management

- Difference Between Management and Administration

- Brief Review of Management Thoughts by F.W. Taylor, Henry Fayol, Elton Mayo, Peter Drucker, etc.

 Unit 2: Managerial Planning and Decision Making

  - Planning:

  - Meaning, Definition, Characteristics, and Importance

  - Planning Process

  - Benefits and Limitations of Planning

  - Types of Plans

  - Forecasting:

  - Meaning and Definition

  - Methods of Forecasting

 - Decision Making:

  - Meaning and Definition

  - Types of Decisions

  - Decision Making Process

 Unit 3: Staffing and Organization- Staffing:

  - Meaning and Definition

  - Need and Importance

  - Recruitment:

  - Meaning, Definition, Process, and Methods

  - Selection:

  - Meaning, Definition, Selection Procedure, and Training of Personnel

 - Organization:

 - Meaning, Definition, and Importance

 - Principles of Organization

 - Types of Organization

 - Difference Between Accountability and Responsibility

 - Centralization and Decentralization of Authority

 Unit 4 Directing: and Controlling

 - Directing:

 - Meaning, Definition, and Importance

 - Principles and Techniques

 - Controlling:

 - Meaning, Definition, Need, and Importance

 - Process of Control

 - Techniques of Control

 Unit 5 Recent Trends in Business Management

- Change Management

- Disaster Management

- Total Quality Management (TQM)

- Benchmarking

- Six Sigma

- Management Development: 

- Meaning, Definition, and Importance

- Management Development Process

- Methods and Techniques

 Unit 5: Practical (20 Marks)

- Test (5 Marks)

- Tutorial (10 Marks)

- Seminar (5 Marks)



Programming in C++


 Unit 1: Introduction to C++

  - Basic Concepts:

  - Object-Oriented Programming

  - Class

  - Object

  - Data Abstraction

  - Benefits & Applications of OOP

  - Structure of C++ Program:

  - Creating a Source File

  - Compiling and Linking

  - Tokens, Expressions, and Control Structures:

  - Tokens, Keywords, Identifiers, and Constants

  - Data Types: Basic, User-defined, and Derived

  - Symbolic Constants

  - Type Compatibility

  - Variables: Declaration and Dynamic Initialization

  - Reference Variables

  - Operators in C++

  - Scope Resolution Operator

  - Member Referencing Operators

  - Memory Management Operators

  - Manipulators

  - Type Cast Operators

  - Expressions and Their Types

  - Special Assignment Expressions

  - Implicit Conversions

  - Operator Overloading Introduction

  - Operator Precedence

  - Control Structures: if-else, do-while, for, switch


 Unit 2: Functions in C++

- Introduction

- The main Function

- Function Prototyping

- Call by Reference

- Return by Reference

- Inline Function

- Making an Outside Function Inline

- Arguments: Default, Constant

- Math Library Functions


 Unit 3: Classes and Objects

- Introduction

- Creating a Class and Objects

- Defining Member Functions Inside and Outside Class

- Nesting of Member Functions

- Private Member Functions

- Arrays Within a Class

- Memory Alloacation of Objects

- Static Data Members and Static Member Functions

- Array of Objects

- Objects as Function Arguments

- Friend Functions

- Returning Objects

- Constructors

- Types of Constructors

- Destructors


 Unit 4: Inheritance

- Introduction

- Base Class and Derived Class Examples

- Types of Inheritance

- Virtual Base Class

- Abstract Class

- Constructors in Derived Class


 Unit 5: Polymorphism

  - Compile Time Polymorphism

  - Function Overloading

  - Operator Overloading Introduction

  - Overloading Unary and Binary Operators

  - Overloading Using Friend Function

  - Overloading Insertion and Extraction Operators

  - String Manipulation Using Operator Overloading

  - Runtime Polymorphism

  - Pointers to Objects

  - Pointer to Derived Classes

  - Virtual Functions and Pure Virtual Functions



Business Law - 1

 Unit 1: Indian Contract Act 1872

- Meaning and Definition of Agreement and Contract

- Features of Contract Act

- Types of Contract

- Essentials of a Valid Contract

- Offer and Acceptance

- Breach of Contract


 Unit 2: Sale of Goods Act 1930

- Meaning and Important Definitions of Sale of Goods Act

- Agreement to Sell vs. Contract of Sale

- Essentials of a Valid Contract of Sale

- Condition and Warranty

- Sale by Auction and Hire Purchase Agreement

- Buyers and Sellers Rights and Duties


 Unit 3: Negotiable Instruments Act 1881

- Concept and Important Definitions of the Act

- Promissory Note and Cheque

- Characteristics of the Act

- Dishonor of Negotiable Instrument

- Discharge of Negotiable Instrument

- Bills of Exchange


 Unit 4: Consumer Protection Act (Amended Act 2002)

- Meaning and Important Definitions of the Act

- Significance of Consumer Protection

- Objectives of the Act

- Working of Consumer Protection Council

- Composition of Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies


 Unit 5: Cyber and IT Act 2000

- Important Definitions - IT Act 2000

- Cyber Fraud and Cyber Cheating

- Copyright - Meaning and Definition

- License of the Copyright

- Digital Signature

- Digital Signature Certificate




Database Management Systems (DBMS):

 Unit 1: Introduction to DBMS

  - Data, Tables, DBMS

  - Characteristics of DBMS

  - Need of DBMS

  - Attributes, Entity

  - E-R Diagrams

 - Relationships

 - Object-Oriented DBMS (ODBMS)

 - Two-Tier and Three-Tier Architecture

 - Transactions:

 - Concept of Transaction

 - ACID Properties

 - Transaction and System Concepts

  - States of Transaction

  - Serializability

  - Backup and Recovery

 Unit 2: Concurrency Control

- Concurrent Transactions

- Two-Phase Locking Techniques

- Concurrency Control

- Locking Techniques

- E-R Diagram

- Deadlock

 Unit 3: Normalization

  - E.F. Codd Rules

  - Normal Forms based on Primary Keys:

  - 1NF (First Normal Form)

  - 2NF (Second Normal Form)

  - 3NF (Third Normal Form)

  - BCNF (Boyce-Codd Normal Form)

 Unit 4: MS-Access

- Primary Key

- Foreign Key

- Creating Tables in MS-Access

- Creating Primary Key and Foreign Key Constraints

- Creating Queries to Fetch Data


E- Business Essentials

Unit - 1 Introduction to e-business:








Unit-II E-business Environment:

  Information society

  building process for communities

  multi option society

  ethics in electronic business.

Unit-III E-business & ICT:



 importance of internet

 internet v/s online service


 knowledge of computer network

 world wide web

 web page 


Unit-IV E-Business Models & Supply Chain Management:

 Classification of E business models

 Definition of supply chain management elements of SC

 key issues in SCM.

Unit-V E-Payments:

  E-Money and E-payments

  Different forms of E-payment

  E-banking RTGS



  Internet Banking

  Mobile Banking




Data structures and Algorithms [ DSA ]

 Unit 1: Introduction to Data Structures

  - Types of Data Structures:

  - Primitive

  - Secondary

  - Simple

  - Compound

  - Linear and Non-Linear Data Structures

 Unit 2: Linear Data Structures

- Array

- Linked List

- Queue

- Stacks

- Operations on Linear Data Structures

- Memory Representation of Linear Data Structures

 Unit 3: Non-Linear Data Structures

- Tree

- Graphs

- Binary Tree Structures

- Networks

- Operations on Non-Linear Data Structures

- Implementation of Data Structures in Computer Memory

 Unit 4: Algorithms

 - Algorithm Concept

 - Features & Characteristics

 - Designing of Algorithms for:

  - Insertion & Deletion of Records in Array

  - Linked List

  - Stack

  - Queue

  - Traversal of Linked List

  - Traversal of Stack

  - Traversal of Queue

  - Binary Tree

 Unit 5: Graph Theory and Sorting

   - Graph Theory Terminology

   - Sequential Representation of Graph

   - Adjacency Matrix

   - Linked List Representation of Graph

  - Operations on Graph

  - Graph Traversal

  - Sorting Algorithms:

  - Bubble Sort

  - Selection Sort

  - Merge Sort

  - Insertion Sort
